Zoltainé Paprika, Zita and Ozcelik, Hakan (2007) Utilizing Videoconferencing to Develop Emotional Awareness in Cross-Cultural Communication. Műhelytanulmány (working paper). Vállalatgazdaságtan Intézet, Budapest, Magyarország.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
The current teaching methods in cross-cultural business communication have paid relatively less attention to developing students’ emotional skills in cross-cultural interactions. Prior research, however, suggests that cross-cultural interactions are inherently emotional processes, since they involve a considerable amount of uncertainty and a potential for misunderstanding. With an attempt to fill this gap, this study aimed to design an easy-to-implement teaching module that brings emotions and emotional awareness more centrally into analysis of cross-cultural business communication, and to empirically asses the effectiveness of this module based on the data collected from students who participated in the process. To this end, we have initiated a collaboration between the business schools of a Hungarian university in Budapest and an American university in Northern California, by utilizing the videoconferencing and screen-capture technologies. The results of the study suggested that the videoconferencing technology could be a viable tool to create real-time interactions between students in different countries in which they can experience, express, and observe emotions. In our video-conferencing sessions, the dynamics that emerged among the students provoked a wide-range of emotions, which helped them learn more about cross-cultural communication as reflected on why they have felt these emotions. Thus, students who participated in the teaching module not only gained a first-hand experience in cross-cultural communication, but also could build on this experience to gain knowledge by reflecting on their observations and emotions.
Tétel típus: | Monográfia, jelentés (Műhelytanulmány (working paper)) |
Kulcsszavak: | emotions, cross-cultural communication, teaching |
Témakör: | Döntéselmélet Vállalati vezetés Oktatás |
Azonosító kód: | 116 |
Feltöltő: | Mónika Szatmári |
Elhelyezés dátuma: | 21 Márc 2007 |
Utolsó változtatás: | 01 Júl 2016 04:04 |
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