Bartók, István (2001) Magyar kis- és középvállalatok teljesítményértékelése ----- Its title in English: Performance evaluation of Hungarian small- and middlesize companies. Műhelytanulmány (working paper). Vállalatgazdaságtan Tanszék, Budapest.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
A dolgozat a kis- és középvállalati teljesítmény alakulását vizsgálja magyar vállalatok körében. A kutatás alapját a „versenyben a világgal”, a magyar gazdaság versenyképességével foglalkozó kutatás 1999-es adatfelvételéből leválogatott 108 vállalatot tartalmazó mintán végzett kutatás jelenti. A vállalati teljesítmény mérésére 42 változó segítségével kerül sor. A változók számának csökkentésével hat faktor hozható létre, melyek segítségével létrejön egy stratégia tipológia a vizsgálatban szereplő magyar kis- és középvállalatok teljesítményükre vonatkozó önképe alapján. ------------------------------- The research on the performance of small and medium-sized enterprises was conducted in the framework of the research programme „In Competition with the World”, which scrutinised the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy. The author participated in the programme from its beginning in 1995, first as the leader of the project on economic policy issues. The programme concentrated on the research of larger enterprises for practical reasons. This paper begins to fill in the gap concerning the competitiveness of the Hungarian SME sector. To this paper I used the database of the 1999 survey, which comprised a sample of 300 Hungarian enterprises, small and large alike. The survey consisted of four large questionnaires of which I partially utilised only one for the purposes of this paper. This questionnaire was designed to receive general information on the enterprise, including performance data. The sample, which I analyse in this paper consists of 108 Hungarian SME’s. The selection of the enterprises was based on the criteria set by the Hungarian Act of 1999 on SME’s. The enterprises in the sample employ 110 people on the average, while their average turnover is HUF 606 million. We were interested how the enterprises see themselves and what is their opinion on their performance. The questionnaire used 42 variables measured on interval scale to characterise the performance level. These variables span all the important aspects of business operations including the main operational areas like marketing, finance, operations management, logistics, management of information, strategic management or the societal role of business. Based on multivariate statistical analysis of the 42 variables using factor and cluster analysis techniques I could identify six factors, which represent typical behavioural patterns or strategies of Hungarian SME’s. The first factor represents a strong customer orientation, including variables like on time delivery, flexibility in meeting the needs of customers, e.t.c. The second factor is called the factor of organisational orientation focusing on issues like efficient organisational structure or the efficiency of management information systems. The third, the lobby factor comprises only two variables: lobbying and selling to the state. Factor four represents an orientation towards technology issues. The main characteristic of the fifth factor is the environment consciousness, while factor six concentrates only on one aspect of market transactions, namely the price. The structure of the factor solutions corresponds strongly to the typical behavioural patterns found among SME’s in the developed economies, therefore may serve the needs of further research as a strategy typology of Hungarian SME’s.
Tétel típus: | Monográfia, jelentés (Műhelytanulmány (working paper)) |
Kulcsszavak: | stratégia, kis – és középvállalkozások, teljesítményértékelés, strategy, small – and medium sized enterprises, performance evaluation |
Témakör: | Számvitel Vállalati vezetés Vállalati szervezet |
Azonosító kód: | 38 |
Feltöltő: | Andrea Faragó |
Elhelyezés dátuma: | 21 Márc 2007 |
Utolsó változtatás: | 01 Júl 2016 04:04 |
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