Gáspár, Judit and Magyar, Kinga and Schneider, Júlia (2012) Communication of CSR in Sustainability Reports in Hungarian Companies ----- It's title in Hungarian: CSR kommunikáció a vállalati fenntarthatósági jelentésekben Magyarországon. Műhelytanulmány (working paper). Vállalatgazdaságtan Intézet, Budapest.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
Abstract: The present research is part of the research project Tendencies of CSR in Hungary financed by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA, No. K68769) between 2007 and 2011. Here, CSR- or CSR-related reports of Hungarian companies will be analysed. First, a ‘database’ of the most relevant articles and methodologies in use were compiled by employing a search process by keywords that combine ‘reporting’ and any of the following terms: ‘social’, ‘sustainable development’, ‘sustainability’, ‘corporate social responsibility’, ‘CSR’, ‘social responsibility’, ‘corporate citizenship,’ and ‘triple bottom line’. Second, paper-based and online reports (sustainability reports, social reports and environmental reports) of Hungarian companies were collected and then analysed applying content analysis methods. The present working paper provides a brief summary of the relevant scientific literature on the theory and practice of CSR-reporting and highlights the main features CSR communication through sustainability and other reports by Hungarian companies. The focus of our analysis will be on what (content), how (in what form) and to whom (to which stakeholder groups) the investigated Hungarian corporations communicate in their CSR-related company reports.
Tétel típus: | Monográfia, jelentés (Műhelytanulmány (working paper)) |
Kulcsszavak: | Keywords: communication, CSR, Hungary, reporting, sustainability |
Témakör: | Média és kommunikáció Vállalati vezetés Vállalati stratégia |
Azonosító kód: | 361 |
Feltöltő: | Krisztina Kulcsár |
Elhelyezés dátuma: | 23 Jan 2012 08:18 |
Utolsó változtatás: | 01 Júl 2016 04:05 |
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